What is a Call for Sites and How to Submit Your Site for Inclusion in a Local Plan
Call for Sites is the first step towards having your site allocated for development.
2/3/20242 min read
Are you looking to develop a site and wondering how to increase your chances of getting planning permission? One way to improve your prospects is by participating in a "Call for Sites" and submitting your site for inclusion in a local plan. In this blog post, we will explore what a Call for Sites is and how you can go about submitting your site to your local council.
What is a Call for Sites?
A Call for Sites is a process undertaken by local planning authorities to identify potential development sites within their area. It is an opportunity for landowners, developers, and members of the public to propose sites that they believe are suitable for future development. The purpose of this exercise is to gather information about available land and assess its suitability for various types of development.
During a Call for Sites, the local council invites submissions from interested parties who wish to put forward land for consideration. This can include both brownfield (previously developed) and greenfield (undeveloped) sites. The council will then evaluate the submissions based on various criteria, such as the site's location, accessibility, infrastructure, and environmental impact.
Why Submit Your Site for Inclusion in a Local Plan?
By submitting your site for inclusion in a local plan, you increase its chances of being allocated for development. When a site is allocated in the local plan, it means that the council has recognised its potential for development and has earmarked it for future use. This can significantly improve your prospects of obtaining planning permission for your proposed development.
When a site is allocated in the local plan, it sends a positive signal to planning officers and decision-makers. This is because a local plan is the starting point for decision-making, meaning that the principle of development on your site would have been agreed. It shows that your site has already undergone a level of scrutiny and has been deemed suitable for development by the local authority. This can help streamline the planning process and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.
How to Submit Your Site for Inclusion in a Local Plan
Cedar Planning can help submit your site for inclusion in a Local Plan. In addition to filling out the Council's forms, we can provide a supporting statement which sets out to the Council why your site should be allocated.
Email: info@cedarplanning.co.uk
Phone: 07418 610156
Office (by appointment only) Unit A, 82 James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 7DE

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